I could be fearless,
I could be strong,
I could be wiser, braver
When I heard those lyrics, they got me thinking. We could all get over our fears. The fear of heights, being left behind, spiders, going outside, death, failing an exam or having too many pimples. We could get over any fear that we have. We just need the inner-will inside of us that wants to make that happen. We could challenge ourselves. Push ourselves that little bit further so that we are pushing our fears. Push ourselves so that we are one step closer to wiping that fear away from our lives. We could do this with all our fears. Wipe them out of our bodies, our lives and live a life where everything is possible and impossible is yet to be seen. We could have ourselves stronger and braver than we ever thought possible.
That fear that prevents us from climbing a mountain and looking down, prevents us from living life at the fullest because we are afraid that if something goes wrong, we'll die and that fear that prevents us from saying 'SCREW THOSE PIMPLES!'. They could all vanish and leave us to live our life the way we want to. Fears prevent us from doing things that we dream to do. I have a fear of heights an death, so I would never bungee jump but I would love to experience that feeling of flying through the air. We look at people who are not afraid to jump off that cliff or have a snake wrapped around their necks and we all imagine ourselves in their position. Where we aren't afraid of anything and we can do as we please. We could be in every sense of the word, fearless.
We could learn from our fears. We could learn that we aren't going to die if you miss a step or two, we aren't going to crumble if a mark that we got for an exam and a little less than what we expected, we aren't going to be lonely if one person decides that they won't be in our life. Our fears prevent us from truly living life to the fullest. It's time that we throw our fears out the window and start living our life the way that we want to live it.
So get out there and do everything that you wish to do. Do those things that you were once too afraid to do because of your fear of death, heights or rejection. The time to get over your fears is NOW! And the only thing that is stopping you is yourself. Get out there and live your life. A life without fears.
It's time for you to be FEARLESS!
x. lucy
p.s If anyone has a copy of the history assignment notification, can you scan it and send it to me. It would be much appreciated.
p.p.s I would like to say that I LOVE GABBY! You are utterly awesome!