♥Wednesday, December 31, 2008
the year 2008 brought along many things. new friends, new experiences and ultimately new joys and fears. 2008 was the year where i got back into blogging. the year where i was faced with new scenarios. it was the year where 9N was born and will forever stay in my heart. the new class brought along new friends and new experiences. because of 2008, i became closer to people who i was afraid to approach and talk to. 9N let me become friends with people who i thought i would never be friends with. it also came along with new teachers. some i loved and some i hated. 2008 was also the year where i experienced new joys like shoes and dresses. LOOOOL! but also the year where new fears would arise. these fears mostly came around the yearly era. LOOOOL! but i guess that is what to be expected. 2008 was also the year where i finally learnt what is it like to be a girl with a job.
the positive things about 2008:
1. became friends with new people
2. became closer to previous friends
3. meet some awesome teachers (MR BAXTER/JESUS!)
4. learnt some cool new things
5. wardrobe became larger
6. got my laptop :D
7. became rich
the negative things about 2008:
1. did some crap subjects (DIGITAL MEDIA!)
2. had some bad teachers
3. shoe collection became smaller or didn't grow at all
4. still have pimples
5. lost contact with friends
6. loss of money
p.s i am still waiting for my christmas presents people!!
Labels: 2008
♥Thursday, December 25, 2008
i am waiting for my presents ... LOOOOL!
♥Saturday, December 20, 2008

whenever i look at this photo, an emotion comes through my body and just takes over my thoughts.
i look at the man outside maccas and he just looks like hes defeated. that he cant be bothered fighting against anything either for him or anybody else. he makes me feel this sense of sadness and injustice that appears in our world these days.
how could people walk past him and not see him as who he is? someone who needs help and someone who needs something to believe in. millions of people eat at maccas and not one of them will come out and pause their eating for a moment to let him know that they are there for him. that they are willing to help him and give him their small fries.
in our society today, nobody cares about things unless they see it for themselves. majority of us don't think of poverty unless we have seen someone living in conditions where they don't have any food or money to survive on. the saying is true "OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND"
i remember this one time that my dad, my brother and i were in the city since my brother wanted to see this skateboarding competition. we were just walking past and i saw one of the cruelest things in my entire life. there was a homeless man getting bashed by a group of grown men. they were punching, pushing and throwing glass bottles at the man. all he had were the clothes on his back and a old mattress which he had found to sleep on. they were intentionally harming a man who had nothing in possession. they attacked a man who was less fortunate than those men. they showed their anger on a human being who was having trouble surviving instead of showing that anger into a punching bag. i could never and never will understand why those men decided to intentionally harm that man who had done nothing to them. my dad was scared that they could come after us, so we left quickly. i wished that i could do anything for him but i was 6 at the time.
i think if we took 5 minutes out of our lives to think about those less fortunate than us, how they survive in a world where at times we can barely stay afloat ourselves, then we will be taking a step towards ending this injustice. if we save every $1 coin that we get from change or from finding around our home, then over time we could help people come out of the injustice and into a world where they can eat, drink and sleep where they please. where they don't have to worry about where they will sleep at night and when they will have their next meal. if we save $1 every day for a year then that's $365. imagine the food you could buy with that. imagine buying a warm blanket to cover yourself on a cold night. if one class from our school were to do that, imagine what we could save. 24 students giving $1 every school day. THAT'S $6720. a person could rent a home, buy food, buy their necessities. they could get a job and get a steady income. people who don't have a home are less likely to get a job then someone who is established.
imagine the difference you can make to one person if you open your hearts.
♥Wednesday, December 17, 2008
listening to: thunder by boys like girls
must remember: to do something this summer
one month and two days. it has been that long since my last post. there are two reasons why i havent written a post in such a long time.
reason #1: nobody really reads my posts anyways. they have tended to be about the same things so they got boring really easy. so i guess subconsciously (i think thats how you spell it) i just stopped because i knew that my posts had no point to them. i was reading over some of my old posts and i realised that they were pretty much the same things over and over again but i kept on writing them. and then i would go to other people's blogs and see how their posts had a point in some way. that was my thinking anyways. they would most probably say that they had no point to the posts but i think, in a way, they did.
reason #2: i had nothing to talk about. my life isnt exactly a rollercoaster and nothing really happens in my life. i dont really have dramas or anything that would really excite anyone. if someone were to document my life and show it to people, i think people would fall asleep. LOOL! but i know that it is pretty true. all i do is read, sleep, eat and watch tv. i dont think that those things would excite anyone.
i decided to start this blog again because uyen was pushing me towards it and i guess i took her sayings. and plus, i still have a lot to learn about blogging. like how to use the quote thing properly. my goal is to make that scroll thing as tiny as possible. LOOOL! i would like someone to tell me when they think its becoming small since my idea of small might be different.
i think that over these summer holidays, i will only report on the major things that happen in my life but the other posts will mostly be ramblings. if any of your guys have any topics that you would like to know my opinion of, just tell me. but i'll most probably ramble so much that you wont even get my opinion.
well, i think that is all for tonight.
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Hello i am {insert name}
Currently sitting somewhere in the world.
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Loving air at the moment.
Those lies.
Beloved ones.
Fly around the world.
One Tree Hill all seasons.
A small side bag