♥Monday, October 27, 2008
listening to: bones
must remember: do something productive
it has been 11 days since my last post and let me just say that this post is way overdue . lol . well , the whole yearlys thing has been killing my brain so i blame that . and you know the worst thing ever , i know i did bad in all the exams so it was a whole waste of time too . that is what kills me the most . this post is mostly due to nina tiongco saying that i needed to blog but i couldnt be bothered last night . see , i am very productive . lol .
well , i think i might begin with last week . last week was a whirlwind of exams and a tonne of stress . i swear i hate exam time . everyone gets really nervous and they get paranoid esp. me . you guys should have seen me during the ag exam . before it i was like hyperventilating . not a good thing to do before a big exam let me tell you that . i am hoping for 80% for all exams but i will be super dooper excited if i get 90% . i will be going crazy if that were to happen . lol . i think last week , i crammed more than i ever did but i was also more relaxed than any other exam . it was actually quite strange because i was stressing but i was also pretty relaxed and taking it one day at a time . i found that quite weird but whatever . i know that i am weird already . nobody needs to tell me that . lol .
my weekends had nothing exciting to report on so i wont even bothered trying to . lol . man , i seriously need a better memory spam . i can barely remember anything from last week . i remember bits and pieces of my weekend and thats about it .
well , today i finally got those photos of those dresses that i bought .
this is my cotton dress that i bought in the city for $10 .
this is my miss shop dress which i bought from the markets for $20
i was also feeling bored when taking these and decided to put photos of my room up . lol . see i am very strange .
one of my bedside tables . this one has my stuffed toys, cds, address book and my storage thing .

this is my second bedside table with photos , my bear from overseas , happy birthday balloon from hurlstone people and swans scarf .
the top of my wardrobe . VERY MESSY as you can see . lol .

my VERY VERY messy wardrobe and i think one of the smallest . lol .
my EXTREMEMLY messy bed . its clean nows . lol .
i think thats a long enough post . lol .
Labels: stuff
♥Thursday, October 16, 2008
listening to: the resolution by jack's mannequin
must remember: STUDY !
well , i was reading amy's post longest and 1ooth post and it got me thinking about particular things . if you havent read it , i strongly suggest that you read it before or after reading this . lol . you can just click on her link .
when amy wrote that she has changed in the past year , it got me thinking about how i have changed in the previous year . i think the biggest transition was changing schools and if i look at the change closely , i would say that it did change particular things about myself . when i first arrived , i was really timid and quiet which wasnt really like me since i was known as a loud person who spoke her mind . once i got to hurlstone , i think i got more scared of what people thought about me . it just felt weird coming into the group that i am in now since i was kind of coming into something that was already there and something that was concrete and solid to the group . my mum told me in august last year that i was coming home happier than i did at the beginning because she saw that earlier in last year , i was coming home down and maybe slightly depressed . when i first arrived at hurlstone and was just starting to get used to it , i felt this sense that i didnt really belong there and that i was coming into something wasnt supposed to be disrupted . this is starting to get slightly depressing . i think that it took me a while to come fully out of my shell and i think that i am still coming out of it . i feel more comfortable but there are times that i feel that sense of not belonging . there are still times that i feel like im disrupting something that is supposed to be kept what it was originally . but i think everyone has that feeling once in a while unless im weird and its just me .
i was also reading in amys blog , how some people pretend to be happy . i think that it would apply to me sometimes . like sometimes there is a reason behind the pretending like everyone around me is sad or depressed and i would rather pretend to be happy than actually be sad . but then there are times which i just pretend or some unknown reason . when you see everyone around you happy and laughing , you just want to join them in their happiness so you just pretend that happiness . i think that sometimes i put the face of someone happy because everyone expects it . people are used to me being happy and i think in times , i am truly happy but then are those times where doubts come in and i pretend to be happy for the sake of being the person that is there usually . but i would like to think that my true happy moments do outweigh my pretend happy moments but i dont think that i keep track of them .
i have this feeling that sometimes people fake their emotions around me . but i dont know if that is true or not . i sometimes get this feeling that people are giving the reaction which they think is the easiest and not their true one . i sometimes feel like people are being fake and arent their true self around me . i dont why but i just have this feeling that is so . ive always had this fear since i was young that even though i was surrounded by friends that they would turn around and abandon me the first chance possible since i was seen as an inconvenience . if i was really analysing my life so far , i think that , that fear has come true sometimes . i think especially during my primary life and sometimes in my high school life . like someone to me would be something close and someone that i could tell them things but once that the opportunity presents themselves , they turn their back and kind of keep me at an arms length and kind of cut me out of their life for some unexplained reason . i guess that would be one of my fears . being close to someone then them just turning their back on me or seeing me as an inconvenience .
i also think that in the last year i have become more self-conscious and my self-esteem has lowered slightly . i remembered being in primary school and year 7 where i didnt care about what i did or what i looked like because i was sure of myself and what i was . but then as the years progressed , my self-confidence about myself and who i was lowered . i became unsure about what i was doing and my purpose . i also became more aware of what other people thought about me . i know that you are not supposed to care about what other people say but to me , it does affect what i think about myself . i guess that it did affect me in that i became more within myself and i started to become more distant at times . i think that now , i am trying to bring it back up but i think that i still dont know what im doing or what i am supposed to . i hear people telling me what i should be doing but i dont know if that is really what im supposed to be doing or not . it is just too confusing .
i feel like sometimes im not normal . like i see people around me and i dont feel or do anything remotely like what they are doing . when girls talk about who they like or guys for that matter , i have this feeling like 'why arent i feeling something like that?' and it just feels weird not feeling that way or having what they have . i dont know if that makes sense and if it doesnt do not despair . lol . i think that was my first one of my whole post . it just seems weird .
this is post is kind of depressing to me and i think that it is my most in-depth one than the others that i have done since the others were all about my daily routine .
well , i think thats the end of my post .
♥Sunday, October 12, 2008
listening to: bottle it up by sara bareilles
must remember: STUDY!
well , tomorrow is the first day of term 4 and arent we all looking forward to it ? lol . well , this is going to be my last post of this holidays . lol . tomorrow means the day where the pressures of yearlies really starts to come on and i have a science topic test too . what joy that will be . if you didnt pick it up , i was being sarcastic . lol .
today was sunday . and that meant that i had truong . i woke up around 11 and just lazed around the house . then i went to truong where the teacher kept reminding us that we have a topic test next week . oh what joy ! then afterwards , my mum picked me up and we kind out went around the place . first we went to fairfield to buy some fruit . then afterwards , we went to canley vale / canley heights since she wanted to see if there was any fish that she could buy for dinner . the search was pretty pointless . then we bought a drink from pearl central . i drank the majority of it . lol . then we went around canley heights or canley vale and looked in random stores . my mum then bought some more fruit and tofu and that bits and pieces . my mum then decided that she wanted to go to her friends house . and i was stuck inside my car . i just sat there listening to the radio and then to my surprise , i saw vee or vi walking out of someones house . hmm , i wonder who it was . unless it was her house and she was going somewhere but im not sure . and i'll probably never ask anyways . then we went home . i printed off my notes and tried to study for science but that was pointless too . i just sat there reading the same lines over and over again . and then i kind of gave up and went on msn . then tried to study again . then my sister saw this massive dog that was near our house . my mum was bringing in the clothes off the line then the dog started to rub itself against her leg . it was so strange . and my sister got really freaked out by the dog so when it was dinnertime , she wouldnt come out since the dog was still on our property . lol . it was kind of funny . then i went back on the internet . then rove went on . i watched rove while ironing the clothes . lol . what a fun job . lol .
that was pretty much my day . now for some sleep so i can get up early tomorrow for school . what joy .
HAVE A GREAT MONDAY PEOPLE !Labels: holidays, school holidays are over
♥Saturday, October 11, 2008
listening to: the special two by missy higgins
must remember: STUDY !
well today was the beginning of the school week for me anyways . as usual saturdays entailed the horrid tutoring . god , i wish i was one of those people who didnt have to go tutor . it utterly stinks . grr ... i want my life back . lol .
well , i found something out today . when i was having lunch with my mummy and brother , we were talking about how the whole asian death celebration works . this is what i got from it . so for all you asians out there . okay , when your parent dies , the eldest child gets the privilege of doing the death celebration . if the other children want to celebrate it , they must go to the eldest's house and do their celebrating thing there . the parent's soul says in the eldest's house . if you dont pray for them , this is straight from my mummy's mouth ... 'THEY WILL COME AND HAUNT YOU ! and give you bad luck' . and if the other children celebrate and put food out at their house , then your parent's soul wont be able to get in . and my mummy also said that the real way im so smart is that i did good deeds in my previous life and this is my repayment . and i will continue to have good luck . :D so that the whole asian death celebration thing . i dont think it counts for birthdays but im not sure . lol . but i will ask my mummy another time . lol . see , we have very interesting lunch topics . haha .
after i finished tutor , i went to my cousins house since her grandma is going back to vietnam tomorrow . we went there ate . and ate some more . then some more . lol . then we went upstairs and played so wii . i really need to work on my virtual bowling skills . lol . my cousin (the older one) invited some of her friends over . and we versed one of them in wii bowling . i came last by 3 pins . damn you 3 pins ! then we decided to play monopoly . lol . i kept laughing so one of my cousins friend was like 'lucy , when you turn 18, we are going out to drink' lol . that was funny . because i will so high just off coke and she was wondering what i would be like drunk . lol . but i would like to see myself drunk too though . should be a fun experience ! lol . we continued to play monopoly but i got distracted when they popped one tree hill into the dvd player . so i gave all my money to my cousins friend since he was superrrrr poor but i made him say that i was better than him in monopoly . that was funny . then i went home at around 11 and went to blog .
see i rock your world dont i ? well , i noticed that this post is long enough so i wont bother to put quotes in . lol
SHOUTOUT TO MICHAEL (better than you at monopoly ... lol) AND STEPH (we will get drunk together)
HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY EVERYONE !Labels: asian death celebrating rules, cousins (emma and anh), michael, mummy, my brother tien, one tree hill, stephanie, tutor
♥Friday, October 10, 2008
listening to: sugarcane by missy higginsmust remember: STUDY ! today was pretty much the last day of holidays . tomorrow starts the road back to school for me . tomorrow , i have tutor again . god , i hate my weekends . just tutor after tutor . that means from now on , no outings since i dont have any time to spare anyways . that officially stinks . why cant my english tutor just throw in the towel and let me have half of my weekend back ? and she just announced that she has made a freaking year 10 class . it was supposed to stop at year 9 . why couldnt she let me have that joy ? she had to take the carpet from underneath my feet . arrghhh , i want my saturdays back !!
well , i dont think i need to go into what happened today . im pretty sure if you go to yesterday's post that was pretty much my day except i just procastinated today . i did jack except for my tutor homework . god , i hate them . why couldnt i be one of those other asians who dont go to tutoring and just spend their weekends lazing around the house ? life stinks for me at the very moment . oh well , life is life and i need to suck it up and live happily . lol .
i dont know what topic for todays quotes . so i will pick .... umms ... potential and purpose . lol . enjoy people !
I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his
dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a
success unexpected in common hours. –Henry David Thoreau
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. - Nelson Mandela, inaugural address, written by Marianne Williamson
To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to. - Kahlil Gibran
Never giving up and pushing forward will unlock all the potential we are capable of. - Christy Borgeld
Life without a purpose is a languid, drifting thing; every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves, 'This day let me make a sound beginning -Thomas Kempis
♥Thursday, October 9, 2008
listening to: don't forget by demi lovato
must remember: NOTES and STUDY and TUTOR HOMEWORK !
this is the second last weekday of the holidays . what i pity i say . in two days we go back to school which leads to yearlies which leads to camp . i think thats the only thing that i am looking forward to . camp . lool . hopefully , i have a smashing good time and never regret forking out $330 for the camp .
well , lets great this show on the road . lucy woke up at 11.30 and watched fresh . she watched the show all the while doing her geography notes . she continued to do her notes throughout the day . she stopped for an hour to watch the ellen show but that was it . she continued to write her notes eventually finishing just before 4.30pm . lucy then started to procastinate . she ate dinner at 7pm and at 7.45pm , she went to stocklands . there she bought happy cup and bought some things from woolworths . when she came home , she watched heroes while chatting to some people on msn messenger . during the heroes commericals , she started to post on her blog . and here she is . completing the post .
that was lucy's day . and now for some quotes . these quotes are still on kindness . have fun reading people and hopefully these inspire you to do some kindness in a cruel world .
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. - Barbara de Angelis
The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines. - Charles Kuralt
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. - Goethe
When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace. - HH The Dalai Lama
Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. The third is to be kind. - Henry James
HAVE A GREAT FRIDAY EVERYONE !Labels: holidays, school
♥Wednesday, October 8, 2008
listening to: possessionless by delta goodrem
must remember: NOTES and STUDY and TUTOR HOMEWORK !
i dont know why but these past couple of days have seemed weird . the issue of yearlies keeps coming back to haunt . all this talk of yearlies seems to have drained everyone physically and emotionally . in my opinion anyways . i noticed that i tend to be easily distracted but i stay up later to compensate for that . it stinks . man , whoever invented yearlies and half-yearlies should stand up and let me have them . but i know those people are most probably dead or something . but if they are alive , can i have them ?
well , onto the events of today . well , i woke up at 7 after going to bed at like 1 . 6 hours of sleep . i think thats why today im so drained and not able to do anything . well , i woke up and just procastinated really . nothing really to do . i decided that i should do something worthwhile with my time and decided to do some more notes . because thats what im all about . i remembered that i misplaced my geography textbook and after going through my health book realised that health didnt need any notes . so i procastinated some more . then my old tutor came to cook with us since its a ritual that we do every holidays . we made these dumplings . my sister couldnt exactly make them . the only one that she did eventually turn out making , fell apart before it even got to the stove to cook . lets just say she wont be making anymore dumplings . lol . then after she went home , procastinated . then by a miracle , my geography textbook turned up . i started to do the notes but easily became bored . and here i am . blogging while sleepiness slowly creeps in .
these last couple of days , i have this feeling of dread for the future . especially when i think of the future future . where will i be when im 30 or 40 ? will i be alone , homeless , successful , on my death bed ? thats what worries me . supposedly , everything that we do now determines what our future outlook is . so what if in the distant future , all our work doesnt pay off ? what happens then ?
well , todays post has been quite somber . but quite the normal mood that my posts tend to take but once in a while , i think that they are necessary . well , todays quotes are on kindness . remember people , do something kind and life will pay you tenfold . so BE KIND !
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. - Leo Buscaglia
A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve. - Joseph Joubert, French philosopher
Kindness is tenderness. Kindness is love, but perhaps greater than love...Kindness is good will. Kindness says, "I want you to be happy. - Randolph Ray
Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do. - Emmanuel Swedenborg (i love this one)
Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. - Theodore Isaac Rubin
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. - George Washington Carver
Kindness is a language which the dumb can speak, the deaf can understand. - C.N. Bovee
Do not wait for leaders-do it alone, person to person. - Mother Teresa
No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves. - Amelia Earhart
i think i might continue with this topic tomorrow .
HAVE A GREAT THURSDAY PEOPLE !Labels: dumplings, half yearlies, holidays, yearlies
♥Tuesday, October 7, 2008
listening to: follow through by gavin degraw
must remember: NOTES and STUDY !
well , today was another day in the infamous lucy holiday days . lol . well , this is how today happened . at 12.10pm , a sleepy lucy awoke . she walked outside to see what time it was and was shocked at the time that looked at her . the latest that she had slept-in these holidays . she then proceeded to brush her teeth and making her bed afterwards . she then turns on her laptop ready for a today of writing geography notes . she looks at where she keeps all her school books but does not find her geography textbook . panic starts to set in . she frantically searched her house to see if it is anywhere to be found . the search is useless . not wanting to give up on notes , she decided to go do her english notes . she spends her day making notes while watching youtube to keep her amuse . at around 4pm, lunch is served in her house . she ate for approximately 10 mins then jumps back onto the laptop to repeat the routine that was done previously . she finishes her notes . then decided to take a shower . upon finishing , she starts to watch ncis . afterwards , she watched 20 to 1 while conversing with nina tiongco . (i think i spelt conversing right ) then she decided that she needed to post on her blog . and here she is . lol . that was the weirdest recount of my day i think that i have done so far . but what the hell . it was fun . i think thats what matters .
that was pretty much my day . well , now without further ado , i will post some quotes . todays one will be about .... well , im waiting for nina to make up her mind since i thought maybe today i would ask someone for a topic . so let us all hold our breaths while nina tiongco chooses the topic ladies and gentleman . lol . i wonder if any guys actually read this ? ladies and maybe gentlemen we have our topic . todays topic is love people .
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott
Old love does not rust. - Estonian Proverb
Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command. - Alan Watts
He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if it were only one. - Japanese Proverb
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. - William M. Thackeray
It is love that makes the impossible possible. - Indian Proverb
Where there is love there is no darkness. - Burundi Proverb
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. -Heather Cortez
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller
HAVE A GREAT WEDNESDAY EVERYONE !Labels: holidays, nina tiongco
♥Monday, October 6, 2008
listening to: kelsey by metro station
must remember: NOTES !
today is what i would call 'the average day in the holidays for lucy' lol . i woke up , did notes . then did some more notes . and some more notes . then had dinner . then did some notes . and finished my agriculture notes . then is now posting a new blog . lol . that was pretty much my day peeps . see , nothing remotely interesting and thats what scares me . i have nothing spectacular to talk about . lol .
well , if anyone watched australian idol tonight . you would have noticed that metro station sucked live . they were so bad . they have officially lost me as a fan when they sing live . but i find it ironic that i am listening to their song right now .
well , i was going to post a picture of the dress that i bought on saturday and on the city outing but i cant seem to find my camera . lol . its gone missing or someone is hiding it and isnt going to tell me where it is . i think its the latter . as soon as i find the camera , i will take the photos and show you guys . it shall be a fun post . lol .
well , see there isnt much here . i will post some what you would call 'quotes' lol . enjoy people . today's topic for quotes are friends
A small house will hold a hundred friends. - African Proverb
God gives us our relatives - thank God we can choose our friends. - Ethel Watts Mumford
Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes. - Anonymous
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. - Walter Winchell
Friendship doubles joy and halves grief. - Egyptian Proverb
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. - Fr. Jerome Cummings
HAVE A GREAT TUESDAY EVERYONE !Labels: holidays, notes
♥Sunday, October 5, 2008
listening to: sugarcane by missy higgins
must remember: NOTES !
WARNING : this post contains some inappropriate language for anyone under 10 years of age
well , this is the holidays and im pretty sure that you guys arent hanging on your chair waiting for the exciting events of my life since you know holidays just equal boredom and nothing really happening . lol . well , if you have another image then something is seriously wrong with you or you have really fun stuff to do which might include travelling . lol . well , in the world of this lucy , holidays equal the first thing .
since i didnt blog yesterday due to internet connection problems , i will talk about yesterday's and today's events . lol .
i will start with yesterdays . i woke up and my sister and i along with my dad went to the markets since we were planning to go for a while nows . lol . and this was the weekend that we were all available to go . lol . well , we go there and we discover that it is oktoberfest or octoberfest, i dont know how to spell it and i was like fully pissed . damn you hungarians or whatever . lol . well , we also figured that the markets were across at the park-y place . my dad was like 'lets go home since its all muddy' and then we went around the carpark then my dad goes 'lets go and check it out' . i was like laughing on the inside . lol . then we go into the market and we just walked around . lol . my shoes got all dirty and stuff but it was still fun . lol . then we found this stall that was owned by indians . lol . we went in except for my dad and started to look for some clothes that might be nice . my sister brought these shorts with suspenders . and i was looking on the tables . lol . the cheap thing to do people . that is my advice . anyways , as i was looking on the tables , i found this really nice blue miss shop dress . originally $69.95 and i got it for $20 . lol . BARGAIN i tell you . lol . then we came home . and i then started on my science notes . lol . and that was pretty much my saturday . lol .
now for sunday . lol . i woke up at 1pm thinking it was 12 . then i find out that daylight savings thing was today like 5 minutes before my truong class starts . omg , that was so gay . nobody told me jack . where was the notification people . where was the news thing that told me this kind of stuff . where was the nemo on my computer screen or on windows live news thing . is this what we have come to ? where i , lucy , dont know when daylight savings is on or off ? lol . well , i went to tutor and found out that i got full marks on an exam that we did . BOOYAH ! lol . then at 2.30 with 45 mins of the lesson left , one of the girls in my class enters the classroom very casually . and her friends were like , dude it was daylight savings . and she has this confused face . then they were like 'where you go up an hour' and she was had a 'OMG shit' face on . lol . that was funny . then she had to call her parents to tell them that it was daylight savings thing . lol . that was funny . afterwards , i came home and finished my science notes while my parents had a party . lol . and that was my day . lol .
well , that is all for now . that was a pretty long post . lol . especially for a holiday edition . lol .
HAVE A GREAT MONDAY PEOPLE !Labels: daylight savings, fairfield markets, miss shop, notes, octoberfest/okbterfest, saturday, sunday, truong
♥Friday, October 3, 2008
listening to: we belong together by gavin degraw
must remember: NOTES !
well , today was pretty much the same as yesterday . lol . woke up ate some breakfast . and did truong homework . and more truong homework . then i did my history notes . which i am happy to say that i have completed as of today . yay ! lol . god , i hate holidays . whenever its holidays , i never know what day it is . like today i thought it was the 1st of october or something like that and it turns out to be the third . like seriously , your brain cant even comprehend what day it is . that is absolutely crazy . lol .
well , today i cant be bothered to find quotes or lyrics for that matter . so i guess this is goodbye . i will have some quotes tomorrow . lol .
HAVE A GREAT SATURDAY PEOPLE !Labels: dates, holidays, notes, truong homework
♥Thursday, October 2, 2008
listening to: im yours by jason mraz
must remember: NOTES and truong homework
this is going to be one of the shortest blogs ever . since it is holidays , it is pretty obvious that i wont be doing much . well , this is how today went down . lol . i woke up and i started on my history notes . lol . i did those for pretty much the whole day with some breaks in-between but not much . i went to my cousins house to play wii but didnt really do much at all . lol . and thats pretty much it . lol . see , i told you one of the shortest blogs ever .
well , i think i will add some more quotes and maybe some lyrics too . just to fill some space . lol .
A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is
at home.
- Anonymous
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
- Ambrose Redmoon
Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
- Lao Tse
now for some lyrics . lol .
Did you forget
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me
Did you regret (did you regret)
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget (did you forget)
What we were feeling inside
Now I'm left to forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don't forget
Don't forget
We had it all
We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won't forget
I won't forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
At all
And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget
Please don't forget us
Somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won't sing along
You've forgotten
About us
Labels: holidays, notes, quotes, wii
♥Wednesday, October 1, 2008
listening to: cop stop by gavin degrawmust remember: NOTES ! as i predicted today was really boring . i woke up around 11am and just started to laze around the house . lol . i watched the news and then i watched some random stuff . lol . then i watched veronica mars season one since i couldnt be bothered to do anything else frankly . then at one in the afternoon , i watched the ellen show . it was alright . wasnt as funny as i thought it would be but i will still be watching it i think . lol . then i started to write notes . i am almost finished history notes . and i decided that i should start science notes . and all i wrote was the title 'science notes' and the topic which was origin of the universe . my first dot point was that the topic sucked but then i deleted it and wrote 'the universe started with the big bang' lol . as you can tell , i wasnt that bothered to do anything . lol . hopefully , tomorrow i will get more done than i did today . but i still think that i did relatively well if i dont say myself . lol .
that was pretty much my day . this post looks kind of short so i will put quotes now . i think i might be doing either this or some other random things for the rest of the holidays on my blog . lol . hope you guys enjoy the quotes . and cross your fingers that i figure out the blockquote since i havent learnt to use it yet . lol
Happiness itself does not stay -- only moments of happiness
- Spanish Proverb
Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
- Burton Hills
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
- Carl Jung
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
- Norman Vincent Peale
In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
- Author unknown
HAVE A GREAT THURSDAY PEOPLE !Labels: ellen show, studying, veronica mars
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The one behind the words.
Hello i am {insert name}
Currently sitting somewhere in the world.
Attached to my friends.
Loving air at the moment.
Those lies.
Beloved ones.
Fly around the world.
One Tree Hill all seasons.
A small side bag