♥Sunday, August 31, 2008
well , i just wanted to post it to say that i wont be able to blog today . i am deeply sorry . i would have been able to if the site let me in the first five times that i logged in . lol . well , have a great day people .
this was a michelle style post . lol .
♥Saturday, August 30, 2008
listening to: my body rage against me
must remember: STUDY STUDY STUDY !
well , today i was feeling really off and i mean really off . i think it started off with how i woke up . it just set up for one of the worst days that i have had all through my life . lol .
well , i woke up and i was like in kind of a foul state to start off with cause i woke up at 6.30 when i was supposed to wake up at around 7.30 am . i woke up and i watched the ending of kim possible and then watched this cartoon about these two guys who do stuff . but it was pretty gay . then i started tutor . and i think i have made my opinions of that topic very clear . and i mean super clear . i dont exactly have a love-love relationship with it . lol . i found out that my mum and sister decided to go to fairfield markets without me . i was so disappointed . it was gay . i was really looking forward to it . i tried to finish history but i got it done finally at a like 9pm . i then showered and procrastinated for a really long time . i just sat there just staring at my truong theory book . and i got bored so here i am . blogging to you guys . arent you lucky ? lol .
today was the worst day for my body . i kept having a runny nose and i kept coughing . and i was just feeling really under the weather . it sucked . then i got a nose bleed . again . freaking hell , i am just so sick of them . i have gotten so many over the last 3 or so months . i then got a really stomach ache . i think it was from the meat that i ate at my cousins party . the meat looked slightly red but i was like stuff it . i will just eat it . i should have said no and put the thing down but i ate it . and now i am paying for the consequences . so sad . i really am really sad though . the stomach ache is still raging at me . it really hurts . i should be doing more productive things but frankly , i cant be bothered to do anything . my body is sore and i feel like i might die from this but i most probably wont . god dammit . lol .
well , what else is there ? not much else . well , then i will leave on this note . and by the way , i might not blog tomorrow or if i do , it will be like major early . the reason for this is that my cousin has a wedding and i probably wont be home until like 11 or 11.30 and thats kind of too late for a post .
well , then ...
Labels: saturday
♥Friday, August 29, 2008
listening to: the high road by jojo
must remember: do history assignment and study for truong
today was a bad day . i swear . firstly it started off with mr. cardi (thats how i spell his name and i am sticking to it ) . how couldnt you have a bad day with him being your teacher ? lol . it was one of the most boring lessons that i have ever had . we watched an inconvenient truth for the whole period . then we had maths . since mr . rawson was away , we have mr . holmes as our teacher . we did such on factorising different of two squares and sum and difference of cube squares . lol . that was weird . lol . then we had health . i guess health was alright . except when sir got out his sexuality textbook from university . the pictures of STIs were disgusting . i swear to god , there was this photo and it made you gag so badly . then i had science . we just did theory on earthquakes and the tectonic plates . then in fifth period , i had commerce . that was an alright period . we played the asx game and it was weird having a kind of new group . oh wells , its still good . lol . then in sixth period , i had english . we finally got to watch much ado about nothing . seriously , we have barely watched any of it . we relocated to room 20 and it was really weird sitting there . it felt really strange just to be in that room since we werent use to it or anything . lol . we are also finished the movie . lol . then like halfway through the movie , i noticed that we had another chick with us . ms . keegan kept going out of the room since she wanted to know who broke the old tv in our normal room . after class , i kept asking people if she was ms . keegan's daughter but nobody knew . oh well , i guess it doesnt matter . man , i really need to do history . tomorrow is practically the only day that i can get it done . and today , i kept forgetting to put it on my usb . i have a copy saved but it doesnt have all the new info i had on .
well , i came home from school and i started my tutoring homework . it took me ages since i was also watching romantic princess . lol . at around 7 , i went to my cousins home to eat . man , it was really crowded . by the time that i arrived , the majority of people had already finished their meal and were gambling their money away . lol . oh well , its their money i guess . and then i came home and here i am blogging to you guys . lol .
that was pretty much it , i guess thats it for me . toodles people .
Labels: romantic princess, school
♥Thursday, August 28, 2008
listening to: violet hill by coldplay
must remember: study for truong
today was quite boring compared to yesterday but it is still worth a post about . lol .
here i go . i got up and did the usual brushing the teeth , putting on my uniform , catching the bus then the train . and then i arrived at school . lol . in first period , i had digital media . ms . macqueen was actually here for once . lol . she gave me weird looks since i was doing my history assignment in digital media . but i didnt have anything else to do . i finished the script and stuff and i needed the camera . and plus i needed to get people's permission to interview them . lol . then in second period , i had maths . we just did exercises on grouping in pairs and factorising . lol . we got two sets to complete and guess who completed both and didnt have any homework to bring home ? ME ! thats right . lol . then in third and fourth period , i had choir since we needed to practise for country fair this saturday . we practised saltwater , viva la vida , look at what you've done , i can see clearly now and holy shla shla . lol . we practised over and over again . then in fifth period , i had science . we just did some research on fossils and did some questions . we also got another assignment but this time on earthquakes . lol . then i sixth period , i had agriculture . that was the most boring thing of the whole week . it sucked hardcore . we had a sub since mr . mcalpin was away on ski camp . i cant spell her name but i think everyone in the school knows her . the one that is so annoying and irritating . she was so gay . i swear , i dont think anyone likes her . but thats my opinion . we just copied out an overhead but the words were teeny that you could bearly read it . it sucked . after school , i went to dfo . the traffic was so bad . it took ages to get there . i bought a pair of heels for my cousins wedding on sunday and my sister was supposed to buy a dress but she didnt like any that were there . the ride back was extra long . i fell asleep and the ride is usually like 20 mins . this time it took like 45 mins just to drive home .
i have devastating news . my school canteen is getting rid of donuts , cookies and anything that is nice and sweet for the tooth . i dont know if they are getting rid of lollies but if they are , they shall die . lol . i mean that literally but figuratively . lol . i mean that it is really devastating . lol .
well , i think thats all for tonight .
Labels: dfo, school
♥Wednesday, August 27, 2008
listening to: all in all by lifehouse
must remember: study for truong
today is a very monumental day . it is my 75th post day . lol . almost there to getting 100 posts . i will succeed in having 100 posts even if it kills me . lol . that would be funny though .
well , today was wednesday . which meant sport for me . lol . anyways , first period i had digital media . everyone was getting excited thinking that we were going to get another free period but then hell came to us . and i mean literally hell . no joke about it . ms . nicol (i dont know how to spell her name) came and hell began . it was so gay . first she made us line up in two lines . then she wanted girls on one side and boys on the other . then made us line up from shortest to tallest . who the hell does that ?!?! like seriously , what a lunatic . she pissed everyone off . i swear i would have killed her if i didnt have to go to jail/gaol . lol . the australian spelling . then in second period , i had geography where we watched a documentary about Antarctica . it was alright . the penguins were so cute . the seals were fat as but i kind of fell asleep when they came on . it was weird . lol . i would wake up when someone was commenting on the fatness of the seals . lol . then i saw a seal kill a penguin and eat it . it was so sad . then everyone was like 'biatch' towards the seal . lol . that was funny . then in third period , i had english . we just read the rest of much ado about nothing . it was funny towards the end because we got into this debate about arranged marriage . the guys were arguing that women were the ones that were desperate enough to get an arranged marriage . and the girls and ms . keegan were arguing that it was the guys desperation . we never got to finish it and i doubt we will . lol . then i went on my merry way to fencing . we did the usual warm-up and went through our techniques blah , blah , blah ... then the girls got to try the electronic style of fencing . i swear it was so cool . the foil , you hold it like a gun . so i was pretending that i was shooting the opposition but i never got to . lol . i versed a year 10 chick . lol . the score was really tight . the final score was 5-4 . and guess who won ? ME ! thats right . yours truly .
i walked home and then my cousin came and we went to pick up my sister and cousin from their school since my sister and i were visiting my cousins . lol . i went there and i caught up with my best friend - danielle . lol . it was hilarious . it was like all hugging and screaming at each other . people were like giving us 'what the hell' looks . lol . after she went on the bus , i saw some other old friends and i saw a friend's sister . we started to walk and i felt like skipping . and my friend's sister joined me and people were looking at us weirdly but it was still fun . it was such a typical thing for me to do . lol . i went over to my cousins house and borrowed one of her dresses for her sister's wedding and also a necklace and a headband . lol . it was fun . and then i came home . did my science brochure . and here i am . lol .
well , thats my day and i think i will go off nows . toodles .
Labels: danielle-best friend, dress, fencing, necklaces, school
♥Tuesday, August 26, 2008
listening to: gone by kelly clarkson
must remember: study for truong
umms , i had this like great opening for todays post but i have completely forgotten it nows . man , i need a seriously better brain memory . i can never remember things clearly or properly for that matter . lol .
well , on with the makings of today . lol . well first period was science . we just looked over stuff that we didnt understand and did some examples just to make sure that we could do it . then in second , i had commerce . we did our slideshows but some people werent prepared . michelle , amy and i did ours . it was pretty lame . lol . whoever did theirs or had theirs ready got a lolly for that day . i got a chupa chupa . im not sure if thats how you spell it or not . oh well . lol . then in third period , i had agriculture . it was so sad . we killed the oats . it was so tearful . it got really emotional . lol . i was kidding about the tearful bit for anyone who didnt know . lol . anyways , we looked at the oat seed's growth and recorded them . and drew diagrams . you know all that stuff you do for experiments . fourth period was like hell . well , kind of anyways . lol . i had the science skills test . it was so much more difficult than i expected it to be . and there was practically no ray tracing diagrams in it . and that was the bit that i was most confident in . damn you teacher who wrote it . i dont know how to spell her name but i am sure that you know she is pure evil . lol . i think i just passed but i have a sinking feeling that i didnt either . then afterwards , i got really nervous because i know that i stuffed it up hardcore . damn you science . then in fifth , i had digital media . expect nobody came to teach us so we had a free period . lol . it was funny . we just sat there . talking and stuff . and there was no point or anything to our conversations . but who cares ? it was a free period and we all love those . in sixth period , i had english where we just read more of much ado about nothing . lol . there was only one funny bit and it wasnt even suppose to be funny which was gay . that was what made up my school hours anyways . lol .
well , i have to vent about something . i dont like my creative connections group . my group sucks . i seriously dont like it . the only good people are lisa , rosa and pradeepti . but pradeepti might be changing . pssh , leave the rest of us . lol .
i think that is all for tonight . AND NCIS WAS REALLY GOOD TONIGHT FOR THOSE WHO MISSED . lol .
Labels: creative connections, ncis, school
♥Monday, August 25, 2008
listening to: meant to live by switchfoot
must remember: study for truong exam
well , i decided that i would blog early tonight because bones is on . wooooooooooo ! i cant wait until the clock strikes 9.30pm . well , that and i have to revise on science skills for the test that we have tomorrow in the hall . oh what joy . lol .
well , today was the first day back from the weekend . first period was agriculture . and we just talked about the calendar of operations for oats and we checked on our oats . oh my god , they are so big . i was so proud of them when i saw them . and tomorrow , we will be killing them . i was so sad when i heard that . they will be dying , a cruel cruel death . nah , they will just be pulled out to be measured on their length and stuff . lol . but still its going to be really sad . in second period , i had english where we just read much ado about nothing . so not much happened . i wished something would though . but you cant change it . lol . then in third and fourth , i had double science . we went through light and earthquakes just so that we are familiar with the skills needed and stuff . and went through anything that anybody was confused about . we got kicked out of our room and had to move to CR1 but whatever . it was weird having a class in there . it felt very strange . let me just say that . then in fifth , i had maths . we just did activities and i finished them so i had no homework . yipppeee . but michelle kept kicking my chair . *glares at michelle* . apart from that , not much happened . lol . then in sixth , i had history . we were supposed to watch a video about the 1920s but the sound was stuffed up . ms . metua spent like 30 mins trying to get the sound back on . and she enlisted the help of others but never could get it working . and then someone suggested that she ask ms. keegan and let me just say this . i think that they hate each other but act civil . ms. metua was like when someone suggested that she should ask ms. keegan , ohh , she wont let this one down . and i was there like oh my god . but whatever . if they are enemies , thats their problems . lol . just thought that i should share that . and we never did get the sound working so ms . metua was like , just do whatever you want for the rest of the period . lol .
that was all for school , i cant really think of anything else to write about . so i will be off nows .
Labels: bones, school
♥Sunday, August 24, 2008
listening to: teardrops on my guitar by taylor swift
must remember: study for science skills test
sunday . the last day of the weekend . and the start of a new week . lol . i am pretty sure all of you knew that but i just wanted to remind you of that . just in case it was going to slip out the back door of the your mind .
well , my day was pretty average . i woke up at around 11am . i decided that i felt like some mi goreng so guess what ? i made it for breakfast . lol . the noodles were all intertwined and it made it kind of hard to eat but whatever . it still tasted really nice . lol . then i got ready for tutor . and i headed off for jolly old tutor . we started on circle geometry and miss kept reminding us that we had an exam next week . and we groaned out loud . lol . it really sucked . after tutor , my brother , sister and i went to trade secret . i swear i am in love with that store . there were some milk and honey clothes . there was this one jumpsuit and you would never guess what the retail price and the sale price was . get ready to get the shock of your life . and i literally mean that you will be so surprised that you wont be able to get your mouth off the floor . you ready ? okays , the retail price was $224.95 . and the sale price was $19.95 . CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE THAT ?!?! because i couldnt . i couldnt take my mouth off the floor . it wasnt funny ? i guess kept staring at the price tag . it was ridiculous . when i saw that , i was like 'trade secret , i love you' i swear that was what i was like . it seriously wasnt funny . well , after i got over the whole price thing , i went around trying to see if i could buy anything that would be worth my money . my sister or was it me ? i cant remember . anyways , one of us saw this golfpunk grey trench coat was cropped sleeves and my sister wanted to try it on . she tried it on and said that she looked like inspector gadget . so she asked me to try it on and i liked it . so i decided to buy it . it was $29.95 but it was originally $89.95 . i swear there are so many bargains there . and when i was about to pay for the clothes with a shirt that my sister wanted . i saw that trade secrets sold wish clothing too . i was shocked . lol . it wasnt funny . anyways , after trade secret , we went to woolworths to buy school food . lol . then we went home . and i did some science homework . i swear i hate my compasses . they stink . they kept moving and the distant wasnt the same the whole way around . stupid compasses . me no like you . and i guess here i am nows . lol .
well , there isnt much else to talk about . lol . so i am going to go off .
Labels: sunday, trade secret
♥Saturday, August 23, 2008
listening to: daylight by coldplay
must remember: do science homework
well , today was saturday . need i say more . lol .
just like last week , i woke up and watched hannah montana at 7.30am since the olympics are on and it pushed saturday disney up . but you want to know what sucked . it was the very first episode of hannah montana and it sucked . i was so disappointed . it wasnt funny . then i went to tutor . nothing really interesting to say about it . when i came home , i ate dinner . and i finished my truong homework . and then you know what i realised . we have a freaking science skills test on tuesday . i was supposed to make notes and everything . and be like extra nerdy for the test since i like suck at science . and now i cant even be nerdy . it sucks . and i havent done science homework so i am kind of screwed any way that i look at it . damn you science faculty . lucy tran no like you . man , i am so going to screw it up and like die . lol . maybe i was being a little over dramatic . lol . i got really bored and couldnt be bothered to do science homework (lol) that i started to watch youtube videos . i have been watching for over two hours because i had nothing better to do . i watched like 10 comedy ones . some were better than others but whatever . and then i started to watch like two music ones but i cant be bothered anymores . then i remembered that i needed to blog and saw that it was like 11 something . oh well . i was also supposed to do some of my english tutor homework so i wouldnt feel like killing it come thursday and friday . so that brings me to my current status . lol .
well , i am very disappointed . today , the swans versed collingwood . man , i was so utterly disappointed . we were trailing by 68 points in the first freaking quarter . we needed to win this game to secure our place in the top four but i guess that wont be happening anymore . what is with our season this year ? by this time , we are usually on the top of our game but not this year . man , it really sucks . i couldnt bear to watch anymore so i turned it off and i dont have a clue what the final score was . i am kind of nervous to even find out . lol .
well , i dont think theres anything else really .
Labels: collingwood magpies, hannah montana, saturday disney, science, sydney swans
♥Friday, August 22, 2008
listening to: it ends tonight by the all-american rejects
must remember: study for science skills test
this is my seventy-th post . lol .
well , i have to say that today was one of the longest days ever . i was so sick of today . it wasnt funny . the weather was bad . it was depressing and so bleak . it wasnt funny . it was all dark and rainy and made me not so happy . i seriously hated todays weather . well , i had double pe where we played mini badminton . it wasnt as fun as i thought it would be . it was pretty boring i have to say . there was like no action or anything . there was barely any laughing too . i didnt like it . it was too quiet and stuff . oh well . at least i dont have double pe next week . lol . then in third period i had digital media . i again , just did random stuff . i fixed up my script and just sat there searching up random stuff . that class is so pointless it isnt funny anymore . then i had english . we just did questions on the play much ado about nothing for the whole lesson since ms keegan didnt want to do anything since the borders and olivia were away and she didnt want to disadvantage them . then in fifth period i had history . we just did our history assignment on australia between the wars . annie and i devised a plan but i dont think it will work . lol . but oh well . its not like we can do much . then in sixth period , i had computer maths . we just watched mr rawson do these patterns on sketchpad . i just sat there watching them . we pretty much did that for the whole lesson . as you can see , the day was pretty bad . nothing really outstanding happened . it was such a bad day in my books .
well , i have noticed that i have wanted to kill all my tutors this week . first it was with truong because he couldnt draw diagrams and i swear his answers are completely wrong . its either that he does them really late at night or he puts random numbers to throw students off . and then theres my english tutor . i swear she gives too much homework . it stinks . i really couldnt be bothered to do it today but i forced myself since it is due tomorrow . curse you .
ohh and i really hate america . you suck for voting kerrington out so early in the competition . she was really good .
well , on that note . goodnight people .
♥Thursday, August 21, 2008
listening to: what goes around comes around by justin timberlake
must remember: truong homework
well , let me begin with my recount of today . in first period , i had geography where we watched an inconvenient truth with al gore . it was alright but it got really boring at certain moments . then i had maths in second period . we started on products and factors and did like two exercises . which reminds me that i need to do maths homework after i post tonight . then in third period , i had health . we talked about abortion , same sex relationships and appropriate sexual behaviour at certain times . lol . it was funny . then i had science where we did an activity on earthquakes . we did some skill to get prepared for the science skills exam on tuesday . mr . baxter was actually bothered to make a map with people from my class' names on it . my one was called 'lucy's lake' . lol . that was cool . miish had a mansion and paige a pool . lol . it was funny seeing all our names on the map . it took us like 10 mins to get over that fact . lol . then in fifth period i had commerce . we just continued the mcdonalds thing and amy was making some really weird burger names . i wont name them but if you really want to know either ask amy or me . or michelle . lol . and then in sixth , we had that student teacher guy . we talked about blocking and stuff . it wasnt that interesting but whatever . he was learning how to teach and thats the main part of the lesson .
the interesting parts start now . well some people decided to go liverpool since shirisha had some free greater union tickets . it was shirisha , aashana , uyen , hunaiza , elena , sandie , diana , vivian , annie , lana and i . lana , sandie and elena decided to watch the dark knight . the rest of us wanted to watch tropic thunder except i was the only one with id . so we decided to change the movie . we decided to watch baby mama . it wasnt that great of a movie but it had its moments . lol . we came like 20 minutes late to the movie but there was only 3 other people in the cinema . ohh , before we went to liverpool , we decided to change on the train . and there were these macquarie fields chicks on the same carriage . and someone said that they were taking photos of us and thats what i call perverts , i swear those girls needed a freaken life . well , lets move away from those perverts . after the movie , the people who watched baby mama decided to get some food . well , vivian , shirisha and i to anyways . i had two sushis and a snackbox . lol . all i ate during the movie was a summer roll and i drank a bottle of water . after we ate we went into timezone for like 10 mins then decided to go walking around . we just walked and diana and annie ran anywhere where the sign sale was . they walked into some stores but didnt buy anything . i saw these nice pair of ankle boots for $20 so if i go back there and they are the same price then i might get them . after that , we went back into timezone and i went into the stack-it game . man , on two occasions i was so close to get a bag of lollies . a-hole of a game . i swear i will seek my revenge one day . just you wait you stack-it game . i will be coming . after that , uyen's dad came and drove me home . then i came home . and here i am . lol .
well , that was all for today . so i think i am off nows .
Labels: baby mama, greater union, kfc snackbox, liverpool, school, sushi, timezone
♥Wednesday, August 20, 2008
listening to: say ok by vanessa hudgens
must remeber: do truong homework
well , since my post yesterday was so short yesterday , i am determined to redeem myself today . lol . i think that i will begin with yesterday and work myself to today's events . lol .
well , yesterday was a tuesday as you all know . if you didnt know that then you need to get from under the rock . lol . or get your memory checked . well , yesterday was a day 3 . first period was maths . man , that period sucked hardcore . all we did was do exercises . there was no fun in it . i was like where is the joy and fun . NOWHERE i tell you . nowhere . then i had history . i prayed and wished that ms. metua was away and guess what ? she was away . man , my mind power is so powerful . instead we had ms . nickels (i think thats how you spell it . i dont know) and she was a major pain in the backside . she was like i know the difference between working noise and fun noise . and we were like talking pretty quietly compared to others , and she comes to us and goes be quiet girls . man , she is such a pain . but at least we didnt do anything . so that was the upside . lol . then in third period , i cant remember what i had . let me think . day 3 day 3 ... i should probably check my diary . ohh , i remember nows . i had commerce . i cant remember what we did . oh now i can . we were doing a computer task . amy , michelle and i decided to do mcdonalds . lol . then in fourth period , i had a crime prevention workshop . it was pretty boring . i started to play with michelle's usb . we didnt do much but sit and listen to the police officer . hmm ... then in fifth period i had .. choir practice . lol . we just practised for our performance which was today in macarthur . lol . i did that for sixth period too . so that was pretty cool . i missed out on geography and digital media . booyah ! that was pretty much it for yesterday .
now for today ... lol . well , i came to school and we learnt that our performance wouldnt be until about 1pm so we had to go to first period which sucked . ms . macqueen was away so we had ms . korkidas . did you know that she was pregnant ? i didnt know that until today when i saw her . how come nobody told me anything ? i was left in the dark and that made me so sad . a tear is running down my face at the very moment . lol . i just did random stuff since i didnt know what to do since people were at random stages of the assignment . lol . then in second period , instead of having maths i had another choir practice . we went through the songs and yeahs . then we hopped into a van with mr. mcalpine . lol . he kept saying how i was loud one . i was so dishearten . but i got over it . plus , i knew secretly it was kind of true . lol . we arrived there and just sat there listening to the primary school choirs . man , they were really good . we just sat there and were just shocked . lol . then it was more primary schools singing . then about 1.30pm , the high school part started . we sang fourth . lol . we were pretty bad compared to the other schools . but the other schools were all private so it kind of showed why . lol . then after that , we went back to school with mr . mcalpine driving . we started to sing some really random songs on the ride back to school . it was really fun . then when school finished , i went happy cup with michelle , mei-wei , annie , jannice and nina . i bought a honeydew snowflake with pearls . michelles one looked really funky . it was really funny when she took the first sip . her face scrunched up in disgust and it was really funny to watch . when i came home , i took like a 4 hour nap . lol . i missed the first half hour of so you think you can dance . guess what i realised , all of next week theres no so you think you can dance . and i dont think theres any more america's next top supermodel since thank god you're here is in its time slot . this stinks . damn you channel ten .
i think thats all for today .
♥Tuesday, August 19, 2008
listening to: awake by secondhand serenade
must remember: blog extra long tomorrow
well , i dont know why but i dont feel like blogging today . im sorry but today's post is going to be like michelle short . lol . i just dont have the vibe or state of mind for blogging today . i promise that i will be in the blogging state of mind tomorrow .
♥Monday, August 18, 2008
listening to: dare you to move by switchfoot
must remember: do something productive and ask parents for permission to go movies
i decided to blog early today since rosa never reads my posts on the same day that it was written . hopefully , rosa will see it tonight . lol .
well , let me take you guys down memory-lane of today from my point of view . well , first period was science . we did stuff on tectonic plates and yeahs . it wasnt really an interesting lesson but you cant really complain . lol . then in second period was commerce . we just talked about market segmentation and target markets . and we also did some questions on the topic . lol . then we had agriculture in periods 3 and 4 . it sucked . like royally sucked . i brought my camera that day because we tend to take long walks for double periods . but mr. mcalpine was away . damn him . the one day that i bring the camera , is the one day that he decides that he wants to stay home . damn him . lol . we had mr . lynch and all we did was copy overheads . for the second period we had ms . kontarto (i dont know how to spell her name but i think we all know who i am talking about) . we just did whatever we wanted that period since we finished all the set work with mr . lynch . lol . i decided to do science homework . see what a nerd i am ? lol . that was joke if you didnt realise . lol . then in lunch , vivian , jenny and i had a bark fight . it was jenny and i versing vivian . it was a tonne of fun . lol . then in fifth period , i had digital media . i just made a nice copy of my storyboard since i couldnt be bothered to do anything else . lol . then i had english . everyone was on edge since we were getting our results back . i am getting nervous just recounting it . see , thats how nervous i am . anyways , we had a little nap time while ms . keegan went to get our results . i couldnt sleep so i decided to read a book . lol . then she came back and started to read people's names out . when she called out my name , my heart started to race and i was getting really nervous . then i looked at my sheet . and i saw that i got 19 and i was so relieved . but my heart started to race more and i just collapsed on my seat . i thought i was going to pass out but i didnt so i was very relieved . lol . then someone asked who got the highest in our class , and i was the highest . i just started to laugh and i was so close to crying it wasnt funny . i just sat there laughing and miss was like 'are you okay?' and i was like just nodding my head . i was in serious shock . it was really daunting for me .
well , i think thats all for recounting . i will now show you guys some of the photos that i took today . lol .

<-- bark that i threatened vivian with . lol .
Labels: photos, rosa, school
♥Sunday, August 17, 2008
listening to: you'll be okay by varsity
must remember: do stuff . lol .
i dont know how to start todays blog . lol . i have no absolute idea . i was reading other people's blog and they mostly have an idea about what their post is going to be about but my one is usually just a bunch of thoughts jammed together . lol . well , i dont think that i can be bothered to do anything new today so here goes my bunch of thoughts jammed all together .
today was the usual sunday for me . i woke up pretty late but it was kind of expected since i went to bed after midnight last night . lol . well , i woke up and started to watch the olympics . see , i have aussie pride . lol . our womens medley relay 4 by 100m , they rocked . we won gold . woot ! i was so happy when i saw that . but our mens are alright . it would have been so cool if they beat the americans . they were so close to robbing michael phelps from getting his 8th gold . if only sullivan could have swam faster . we were beating them at the breaststroke or butterfly , i cant remember . but then stupid phelps had to go in and wreck it . arrggghh , i want to kill him so badly but i cant . then after that , i went to tutor . the new traffic lights at fairfield were opened . they are so stupid i swear . it was really pointless to put in a set of traffic lights there . damn you fairfield council . at tutor , i discovered that i have another exam in 2 weeks . bloody hell , i just got one done and they throw me another one . why couldnt i be in one of those classes were you barely have any exams ? i am so sick of having an exam every 3 weeks for so . damn you truong . arrrggghhh . after i discovered that and finished my class , i went to stocklands . wendys got a new stand thing . it looks so coool . lol . and they have touch-screen directories too . it was so cool . and you want to know the coolest thing ? the cookie man thing , it got split into two and you know who has the other half ? baskin and robbins , the ice-cream shop/stall . i loved them when they had one in stocklands before nadias came . it was soo cool to see them back . i cant wait until i go again and get some ice-cream from them . lol . i am sounding very weird nows . lol . i also went to visit my dad in the hospital . we brought him some stuff that he asked for . lol . we also watched some comedy channel since he had his own personal television . lol . it was kind of cool . he should be coming home tomorrow but still not sure . what else happened today ? not much . i came home and watched some more olympics but nothing worth noting . lol . rove was kind of funny today . delta's rant on bert newton answers last week was kind of funny . lol . the things we love was hilarious . they kept stuffing it up so it made it more funny . lol . especially when rove got the first bit wrong . lol . but i missed the beginning with the chinese girl dressed up as the chick who lip-synced at the beijing olympics opening ceremony . i dont think anyone will live that down . lol .
well , i dont thinkt there is anything else to talk about . lol .
i would like to take this time to apologise to rosa for having my posts so late in the night . i am so deeply sorry rosa . lol .
Labels: baskin and robbins, olympics, relay team, rosa, wendys
♥Saturday, August 16, 2008
i forgot to say something .
AND .....
happy birthday to them
happy birthday to them
happy birthday to jenny and wendy
happy birthday to them .
i also realised it shane's birthday but i am not close to him so yeahs ...
listening to: redemption by switchfoot
must remember: who knows .
well , let me reminisce about today . i woke up at 7.20 and i turned on the television . to my surprise , saturday disney were in their last hour or so . how did i know you may ask . well , they always do double dog dare like 30-40 minutes before the end of the show . then hannah montana came on . man , i havent watched that show for ages . it was good to sink into some hannah montana after such a long drought without it . the episode was pretty stupid but i didnt expect much anyways . lol . then i went to tutor . fast forward a couple of hours . i then came home where my mum told me that my dad went to hospital since he was having really bad pain . i ate dinner which was super duper nice but i dont know what to call it in english . lol . then i did truong homework . this is the latest that i have ever done it . it amazed me really . i was like full on panicking since i was afraid that i wouldnt get it done in time . lol . i did the whole homework in less than a hour . i was so proud of myself . then my mum and i went to visit my dad at the hospital . my sister and brother werent allowed to go since they were sick already . i came there and found out that my dad was still in emergency ward and was in bed 3 . so my mum and i went to visit him there . he was waiting for a bed to be opened in one of the upper wards since he was going to be staying there at least overnight . then my parents got into a mini-argument over whether i should be a regular doctor or a specialist doctor . and they didnt consult me one bit . my dad wanted me to a regular doctor but my mum wanted me to be a specialist doctor . and you will never guess what her argument was . it made more money . i swear that is all asian parents think about . MONEY ! after i visited my dad for about an hour or so , my mum and i went home . i came home and watched a bit of the olympics and then came to blog . lol .
man , we rule at rowing . that is the first thing that i have to say . we rock . we won 2 gold medals and a silver at rowing . and you know where we stand now on the medal tally board . FOURTH ! thats right people , fourth . we went from sixth to fourth . its times like these are you proud to call yourself an australian .
australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free . woot . lol .
man , swans just lost to geelong . 127-93 was the final score . its pretty good since we were versing geelong but man , why do they have to be so bloody good . damn you cats . but hopefully we will beat collingwood next week .
we must survive . lol , that song just popped into my head . lol . what random things my head will come up with . lol .
well , i think that is all for tonight .
Labels: doctor, geelong cats, hannah montana, olympics, rowing, specialist, sydney swans, tutor
♥Friday, August 15, 2008
listening to: more than fine by switchfoot
must remember: start truong homework . lol .
today was the last day of week four term three . booyah . only like six more weeks to go . yay . note the fake enthusiasm people . fake being the key word there .
well , let me look at today . first period was agriculture . that was alright but the best bit was when i got my bok choy (thats how you spell it right ? my spell check thing on the post is saying its wrong) . and when we were writing notes , annie bought a bag of mixed jellies and in there were aeroplanes . she decided to give me one . let me just tell you that it wasnt a good idea . all i did was pretend that it was a real one and i did take offs and everything . jennifer was like 'lucy you need to calm down'. lol . i found it funny . then kale and tri were like whats so funny but they just didnt understand the ultra coolness . lol . then i had english . we got a substitute since ms. keegan was really sick yesterday so i understand why she was away . we just did these questions on the second act and i didnt understand half of them but whatever . then in third and fourth period , i had science . we made rice it was cool . we were watching the 'convection currents' when you are making rice and annie, joannie and myself decided to cook the rice . we half-cooked it i think and we just sat it near my bok choy and it was continuing to cook . by the end of the class , it was pretty fluffy . lol . and we also did this seismograph activity but we failed since we didnt know what to do . lol . then in fifth period , i had maths . oh my god , i burped like five times in that class and whenever i burped , people gave me weird looks . it was really funny when it would be like deathly silent and then out of nowhere came a burp from yours truly . lol . i did that like three times and then i did two quiet ones . lol . mr. rawson drew up this weird picture and someone asked who it was and michelle was like its judy and everyone cracked up . sir told us who it was 'supposed' to be but i dont think anyone heard him . lol . then in last period , i had history . we went to the library and we just looked for books and stuff for the assignment that we have . it was really boring and i think half the class werent even doing what they were supposed to doing at the time . but i dont think anyone cared really .
well , that was all for school . home after school wasnt that great either . i didnt watch the olympics today so nothing to really talk about there . i think thats all for tonight .
Labels: school
♥Thursday, August 14, 2008
listening to: whenever by cherish
must remember: do english tutor story and start truong homework
i decided that since i wasnt getting anything done , i should blog so i couldnt forget about it later . lol . well , i think thats the reasoning for me blogging relatively early tonight and not late like the previous posts that i have had .
well , i will start off by recounting today for you . first two periods was p.e. i can now officially say that i hate touch footy . it was the worst p.e. lesson ever . my team consisted of paige , joannie , annie , karl and myself . we first versed kale , tri , vivek (i think thats how you spell it), karen and shane . man , we got thrashed so hard it wasnt funny . paige injured herself while playing in the match so shane had to transfer to our team for that game . even with his help , we scored nothing . lol . then in the second match , we versed elena , jayson , mish , jasmine and someone else i forgot . lol . i am sorry to that person . well , we got thrashed that match too . but we came pretty close to scoring . we almost scored twice . lol . then in the third match we versed bella , tansy , matt hall , cameron and rhoda (i think thats how you spell her name) and we tied i think . i am sure . lol . matt hall freaking hell wouldnt give up . he barely let us run anyway that gay bumhole . we were like give us a freaking chance to score and he was like its a game and i want to win . god , that pissed me off . then in the fourth match we versed lisa , vivian , wendy , brandon and aashana . it was just a match full of screaming . lol . it was hilarious . we scored twice and beat them . finally a game that we won . lol . it was so much fun . i found it really funny . and sir told us to imagine it was a beach and to better that imagination , he got a bucket of sand and told us to get a handful and sprinkle it over the field that we played in . that was really funny . in third period , i had digital media . again it was another waste of a lesson . i didnt do much as usual . lol . then i had english where we just read the play 'much ado about nothing' . it was alright but nothing really interesting . lol . then we had geography in fifth . man , that was a boring as hell lesson . nobody was really interested in the lesson and you could see people were starting to retaliate against him . lol . then i had computer maths . we just did these activities and uyen and i finished pretty quickly so sir just got us to do these really random things . lol . then i came home . lol .
when i came home , not much happened . i ate , watched tv . you know the usual stuff that you do when you come home from school . lol .
i think that is all for tonight . lol . well , toodles people .
Labels: school, touch
♥Wednesday, August 13, 2008
listening to: hero heroine by boys like girls
must remember: finish english tutor story
this is my 60th post . lol . me so happy that i have reached this number of posts . i remember , in like year 5 i had a blog back then too . and i think i wrote one post and then stopped . lol . i was very committed to it . lol . but i think i just made it back then for kicks or something . i cant quite remember what the reasoning back it was . my memory doesnt do me much justice . lol .
well , today i had english first period . and also the vaccinations which were supposed to be in second period but whatever . lol . my arm was fine straight after the injection but as the day wore on , my arm started to hurt more and more . lol . damn you sport and other stuff that made it hurt . lol . that was really intelligent , wasnt it ? lol . well , after the whole injecting girls and inflicting pain (nurses are evil ... well , the ones that do vaccinations anyways) i went to commerce . lol . in commerce we didnt do much since we were discussing advertisements . it was funny going through all the ads that we forgot about and reliving them . lol . and that lesson also had a shocker for me . well , henry he went from 'baby adorable cute' to 'weird cute' . he showed his true colours . lol . the things that he said shocked everyone to the core . lol . but i swear its true . i didnt think henry had it in him but apparently he did . it was such a shocker to me . then in third period , i had science . we wrote down some notes and then watched a video about the tectonic plates and how the earth has changed and what it might look like in the future . joannie , annie , paige and i were all playing with these two magnets that sir gave me to borrow . it was really fun but he took them back . big , fat meanie . after science we had sport . i read my book . lol . and vivian was like 'woah , its so weird with lucy being so quiet' and i cracked up . i think everyone was annoyed at judy because we kept 'shhh-ing' her since she was so loud . and mr. pitt didnt look like he wanted to be there . lol . in fencing , we watched a video about fencing for about 5 minutes then went into exercises of fencing and stuff . my legs felt so stiff and my arm killed after like 10 minutes . stupid vaccinations . lol .
i think thats all that happened in fencing . i wonder what else happened today that is worthy of this space ? hmm ... not much . stephanie rice won another gold medal beating that chick from zimbabwe . you know what i dont understand . how is she like pale white when the rest of zimbabwe are dark as ? thats what puzzles me . lol . and sullivan's semi-final was so cool to watch . lol . well , i think thats all for the australians . i missed libby trickett and leisel jones because i was watching so you think you can dance . man , katee and joshua were so good . lol .
well , i think thats all for tonight . toodles people .
Labels: olympics, sytycd, vaccination
♥Tuesday, August 12, 2008
listening to: white noise by the living end
must remember: try to do something productive . lol .
i was going to go on about something in today's post but it has completely left my mind . i cant remember what it was anymores . i was going to go on and on about it but now that i forgot about it , it kind of doesnt matter what it is . oh well , i guess that bit of my post is out .
onto what happened today .. well , first period was digital media where i just sat there doing nothing . lol . it was such a waste of time it wasnt funny . i just started to research random things but the internet at the school was really slow . it was so gay . lol . then i had maths where we had a assessment task . it was soo gay . the whole question about the apprentice plumber stinks . ms . crancher (i think thats how you spell it) told her class it was wage but people said it was piecework so i guess we will find the answer when we get the marks back . lol . it will be every interesting . hopefully , they take really short to mark and we can go onto our merry way . lol . then i had english where we read out the 'much ado about nothing' play . lol . it was so weird . but we didnt have the movie to watch so we had to settle for second best . oh well . then we had the english competition . it was so gay . freaken hell , i hate the university of new south wales . what is with them about torturing us ? i swear they have pure evilness in them . lol . oh well , they can all die ... jokes . then in fifth period , i had science where we didnt do much . if i really think about we never do much in science . lol . then in last period , we had agriculture where we just copied out stuff and went to check on our experiment . lol . it was fun . me love practical agriculture so far this year .
then when i came home , i watched the 10m platform female synchronized diving . melissa wu was competing . it was so cool to watch but it just strengthen my hate against the chinese . lol . they were like almost freaken perfect . damn them . oh well , it didnt matter anyways . WE CAME SECOND ! it was so funny when my sister and i found out that we won silver but it was all good . lol . and leisel jones (i think thats how you spell it) won GOLD in the 100m breaststroke (i think) but it was cool to watch . lol . well , i think that is all the medals that we won today . it was a good day in beijing . and we also won another bronze but i dont know who won it .
well , i think that is all for tonight . toodles .
Labels: beijing, gold, ICAS, maths assessment, olympics, silver, synchronised diving
♥Monday, August 11, 2008
listening to: redemption by switchfoot
must remember: kill maths textbook
i think i want to kill the maths textbook . the freaking mixed revision are too long for anyone to do without wanting to kill the textbook . freaken hell . i just want to stab the damn thing and get it over and done with . i hate the mathematics department for handing out these textbooks . and i hate them for giving us this damn test today which led me to doing the hated mixed revision . i only got through the first one because thats how long and tedious they were . freaken hell , 39 questions and you expect students to not want to kill the textbook . what kind of cruel world do we live in ? a world where textbooks torture us and teachers want to kill us with the tests that they set . i ask you . what cruel and inhumane world do we live in ?
well , i think that is enough on the wretched textbook . i will now glare at it . well , let me think back to today and see what exciting news that i could share with you guys . hmm ... not much happened . if i really think it , today was pretty boring and pointless . i did nothing today i think . first period was maths where we did revision . then i had history where we researched for our assignment . in third period , i had commerce where we did more revision since we had a substitute . fourth i had english where i had mr. robson which keegan was away . we did a summary for the first act in much ado about nothing and read the second act . then in fifth period i had geography . we just did the stupid questions on the demographical status of australia . then i think digital media was the most boring class . we just did our storyboards and did nothing . i couldnt search up random things since my computer was screwed . god , i hate digital media . it stinks . gahhh ... cant they replace it with something more interesting .
well , once i came home i just watched the olympics . bloody hell , the chinese are like good at everything . i was watching the mens 10m synchronized diving final and freaking hell , the chinese were so good . and you know what pissed me off the most , we lost out a chance on winning bronze because of stupid russians . by 0.42 of a freaken point . i want to kill the damn russians and the chinese for being so good . gahhh ... why do we suck so much this year . man , we used to rule and now we stink . i am so sad .
well , i think that is enough for tonight . so toodles peoples .
Labels: chinese, diving, mathematics department, maths textbook, olympics, russians
♥Sunday, August 10, 2008
listening to: damaged by danity kane
must remember: maths homework !
disappointment at channel ten is running through my veins . how dare they cancel rove for star wars ? come on , they are always showing freaking star wars . i am sorry that i have offended anyone but i am sorry but star wars compared to rove , stinks . its true . rove is comedy while star wars is about how one guy turns from good to evil and all these weird creatures come in between . i dont get what everyone sees in those movies . so anakin turns into dark vander . whoop-di-do . guess my anger when i turn on the telly at 8.30pm tonight and see that thank god , you're here is still on . then guess my rage when it finishes and goes 'star wars : revenge of the sith' next . omg , it stinks .
well , enough of my hatred of star wars . what happened today that is worthy of your attention . lol . well , i had my variation exam in truong today . omg , i hated the last question . i didnt know how to freaken solve it . i think everyone was just doing some random stuff . if anyone gets that question right , i will bow down to them . lol . and in like another 2 weeks , we have another exam . yay , what joy . i swear i never used to do these many exams in such short periods of time . it stinks . before , i rarely got exams . now , i have one like every 2-3 weeks . it absolutely stinks hardcore . damn you truong . i say damn you ! lol .
well , as most people have realised i got a new skin . i thought the old one was kind of getting old since i had been using it for such a long time , i opted for a change . i asked amy to help me since i had like 4 that i really liked and didnt know which one to choose . she was my decider . lol . she gave me a lot of insight and for that i thankyou amy . lol . well , i really like the new skin since it includes
PURPLE . the person who made this skin rocks . i would send them a message saying that but i think i would say like of stalker-ish . lol .
umms ... what else has happened today . not much i can tell you . after truong , i went stocklands to buy food . lol . then my brother and i decided that we wanted some sushi so we bought some . it was on special so it was all good . i got a chicken and cucumber and also a chicken with avocado . my brother got a crab stick with something and a raw salmon also with something . my memory is kind of foggy . lol . came home and practically did nothing . lol .
well , i think that is all for today . lol .
Labels: rove, skin, star wars, stocklands, sushi, truong, variation
♥Saturday, August 9, 2008
listening to: waiting game by yellowcard
must remember: study for truong exam
i cant believe that i forgot to blog yesterday . i am so disappointed in myself . i would smack myself but it seems not needed so i wont lol .
well , nothing really happened on friday . so i dont want to bore you with the details of friday because they werent that great . lol . well , since i said that i would recall wednesday for you guys if i posted yesterday i will recall it nows . well , on wednesday i had pe for the first two periods . mr. wilson was away so we got substitutes instead . lol . my class got the sport of soccer to play . the first period was boring so i wont go into the details . you'll probably just fall asleep reading it . lol . that wont happen but let me imagine it . lol . well in the second period of pe , we had mr. sphinx (i think thats how you spell it) and some people from other classes decided to join our class . i dont know why but i dont think that it mattered . i cant remember who was on whos team because there were so many but whatever . well , for some reason , i was goalie . it was so strange being goalie . i found it almost comical . lol . well , i think i was an alright goalie . lol . i think shane kept getting pissed at me because when the ball went to my side of the court i would go and get it . and that didnt let shane to score any goals . it was hilarious seeing him pissed off . well , i was pretty proud of myself when i blocked 2 goals . hehe . that was cool . there were so many close calls . the score in the end was 8-8 .
then in third period , i had digital media . it was pretty boring . i think i just procrastinated the whole lesson . i just searched up smh articles and did random things . lol . it was pretty gay . we were supposed to finish off our documentary summary . i dont think anything happened . it was pretty boring . i think thats all .
well , i dont know what else to write . nothing really happened today so i dont find any reason to talk about today since it was pretty gay and is getting gayer . lol . well , i guess that is all for tonight .
♥Thursday, August 7, 2008
listening to: my triangle by james blunt . lol .
must remember: study for truong exam
this is it . my 55th post . booyah ! lol . its almost at 100 with almost being the key word there . as a 55th post resolution thing , i have vowed to post at least one every 2 days but i was egg myself on to make it one post per day .
well , lets start with today . hmm ... what happened today ? i had agriculture first period . we went walking , how i love those long walks . lol , they are a tonne of fun too . lol . it turns out that they are using the old broiler chicken shed as a classroom . they refurnished it and everything and the door is a nice green colour . lol . and then i had english . we brainstormed stuff about william shakespeare and that was it . then in 3rd and 4th period we had science . we practically did nothing for the whole 2 periods . we did this experiment with a spinning colour wheel thing . then sir wanted a sheet of paper with one picture on both sides . ali was assigned that job . it was funny how he tried to get it working . so then sir decided to make one himself and see if he could get it to work . on one side was a cage and on the other side was ali's face . lol . sir got it working and all you saw was ali inside the cage . that was funny to see . then in 5th period , we had maths . we got mr. jones as a substitute teacher and we just did exercises . lol . then in 6th period , we went to the computer room to start researching for an assignment that we had for history . we got into pairs or groups of 3 . i am working with annie and we are doing the "roaring twenties" . lol .
well , i discovered that the majority of the year 9 grade is going to boycott the camp and not go since it isnt at jindabyne . i hope joannie/ebony's group isnt going , rosa's group isnt going , the handball guys arent going and mish's group isnt going . so that leaves my group and some people arent even going now too . i dont know about the borders and the other daygos but that is over 50% of the grade not going . i guess we will see if they change it back to jindabyne . lol . well , there isnt much to talk about that topic anyways i guess .
umms ... i think that is all for today . tomorrow if there is nothing to talk about , i will recount wednesday for you . lol .
♥Tuesday, August 5, 2008
listening to: kiwi by maroon 5
must remember: study for truong test
i am a mixture of outrage and happiness at the moment . that seems really odd even to me . lol . well , i will start with the outrage . well , the thing at hurlstone is that the year 9 camp is usually at a place called jindabyne but this year , they relocated it to castle mountain . i think that right . well , guess my surprise when i hear that . i was so looking forward to the camp and now , my hopes and dreams are crushed . NOO ! lol . i guess i will get over it but let the outrage curse through my veins for a little while longer . i saved up the money ready for jindabyre and now it is going to be spent on castle mountain . i swear if it isnt good then i am going to act like it was the best camp ever so that the other grades have to suffer . lol . that would be hilarious wouldnt it ? the way ms. crancher (i think thats how you spell it) spoke about the camp , i think didnt convince anyone . she was really preppy and for me that means that she was over-exaggerating everything . man , if it is the worst camp ever , i will be so depressed . i will be like the first camp at hurlstone and it sucked .
well , i think that is enough of outrage . now for happiness . YAY ! well , this brought me a lot of happiness . what joy it created . well , we got our health assessments back and guess what mark i got ? FULL MARKS ! thats right . oh yeahs . i was like i was going to get like 10/15 but i got FULL marks . that made me so happy . i was like kissing it and everything . lol . me so happy . lol . i was like on a high in science that nothing could stop my happiness . my head was in a haze and that result bought my enthusiasm levels up to a new level and has inspired me to write this blog . see , you all should be thanking it lol . i think that is all on happiness .
what else happened today that is of any importance ? hmm .. i did the geography competition . it was so weird . i think i guessed like half of all the questions . i was just sitting there thinking like hmm .. what answer should i pick ? i knew some of them but i dont think i knew the majority of it . lol . it was so weird doing it . i was just looking at a question really clueless since i didnt know the questions and i would just be sitting there for like 3 minutes dont nothing . i found that really weird but other people could find that normal . lol .
well , i think that is all for today . not much happened . lol . well , goodbye .
♥Saturday, August 2, 2008
listening to: i'm yours by jason mraz
must remember: commerce debate speech and to RELAX !
well , this is my first blog in quite a while . hopefully with the assessments done , i can relax and have some fun . well , on the topics of the assessments . let me tell you something . I HATE SPEECHES . hell , i could also say that i DESPISE speeches . now , that is what i call shocking news lol . and damn 9O havent even started on their speeches . how i loathe that class . lol . well , the agriculture assessment killed yours truly in so many ways but i think it was because of my fault . me being weird and stupid , decided to paint the poster . and i think you can guess what happened next . i smudged the poster with the freaking paint . god dammit . hopefully , mr alpine takes pity on me and gives me extra marks . lol .
well , onto friday since that is like the only day that i remembered anything happened . well , it was a mufti day for 'jeans for genes day' (Y) . god , i love that day . well , people rocked up in their "casual" clothing and got ready for a fun fun day . lol . well , we had maths first up and we had ms. cody since mr. rawson was absent . well , she gave us like 3 exercises . i made a tonne of threats against her but they were all empty ones . then she made me take the slip thing and i kind of jumped into the room . lol . then shes like "how can you have so much energy?" and i am like its because my energy is people's depression or hatred or something like that . as you can see my memory is quite fuzzy . anyways i got the majority of the exercises done with like 1-2 questions left . then i went to history where we watched a video about how the world coped after the first world war finished . then it was assembly . it was held in the main quad (yay !) and it was super short . god , i love those . anyways , then i had canteen duty . that was fun . lol . i got a lollipop out of it for kicks . lol . then i had umm ... commerce . we had a debate . the arguments were hilarious . lol . i loved it . i have to do a debate next commerce class but it should be alright . nothing serious i dont think . then it was time for DOOOOOOOOMM ! it was english and it was the last day to get them done since we only had like 5 people left . i went third and omg , i so failed the whole thing . damn you english faculty for killing me . i was like hyperventilating before the speech and throughout the whole thing i was like talking really quickly and i kept shaking . that was the freakiest moment in my whole year 9 experience so far . after that was lunch where i had another canteen duty . it was alright . i kept bumping into people . i guess my head wasnt really into it . then ... it was geography . it was pretty gay . all we did was a practice competition paper for geography . we just kept asking other people for answers and didnt do much in that period . then it was digital media . i dont think i will go into details since it will bore you to death . well , that was friday . lol .
today nothing much happened . it was the usual . went to tutor for a really long time . came home to do truong . then went out for maccas with my brother , sister and cousin down the road since his parents and my parents went out . i had nuggets but the people didnt give me any sauce . the nuggets tasted bland and off . lol . i wanted my sauce . oh well . he said that he will shout us next time since we shouted him today . lol . he has to pay like 3 times the amount we paid for him . lol . but he has a job in pharmacy . so its all good . i played cooking mama on wii today . so much fun . i want to play it again but probably wont for another week . lol .
i think that is all for tonight . lol . i guess it is time for me to say toodles .